As a medium-sized family-owned business based in Wiesloch near Heidelberg, Kissel + Wolf GmbH supplies chemical products worldwide for
We also offer services for product development and contract manufacturing.
In order to give the best support to our customers, we provide worldwide service and local liaison staff wherever possible. Distribution partners and end-users can therefore always rely on our know-how – across all borders and tailored to individual, local needs.
Since the company was founded in 1893 and acquired by the Eisenbeiss family in 1956, tradition and innovation have gone hand in hand. We place great importance in a long term and global outlook and in continuous investment in people and infrastructure. We are nimble and combined with the highest level of technical competence we are able to be close to our customers, which in turn allows us to recognize and tap into new market opportunities at an early stage. Around 15 % of our employees work in the research and development department, which means we remain globally competitive and innovative. We not only supply products to our customers, but also provide comprehensive solutions.